The most exciting opportunity for health and wealth we have ever seen!

Once in a lifetime, if we are lucky, an income opportunity comes along, that fits so beautifully as the proverbial glove, that serious consideration needs to be given…

Our time, is our life, & if we are to invest into such a thing, there are several questions that need to first be answered:

• Is it real?

• Is the company solid, ethical, honest & rich in heart & integrity?

• Are the products proprietary, patented, proven, & life-changing with global appeal?

• Is the pay-plan fair, lucrative & accessible to all?

Those are the important ones that immediately come to mind… there are others… but the more we look, the more we have never seen anything as good as this.

We are long-in-the-tooth in business, industry, education, finance & home-based business; we have helped companies grow from virtually zero, to multi millions, so there is not much that will turn our eye… but this one has. It has everything. It has it all.

Do read on, & evaluate further; we’d be most interested in any feedback… We believe that this company is about to launch from a few million dollars of sales, in USA, to a multi-BILLION global phenomenon. & it’ll be done through word of mouth marketing. The strength of the company & its leadership, the accessible-to-all compensation plan & the unbelievable power of the products, will go a long way, to make it so…

“Beginning in 2013, Natures Frequencies has manufactured and private labelled products for doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, medical practitioners and companies around the world. Our goal has always been to use our innovative US Patented Tesla Technologies to produce US made products to naturally help with some of the major issues of our planet, health, and food waste. After producing millions of products for others we are excited to say we are now offering direct from the manufacturer our International award-winning US Patented products.

We are launching direct to you, our flagship products: Food Freshness Card, EMF Shield and Earthing Card. We believe our transformative products and flexible business opportunities can help you approach each day with more drive, enthusiasm and passion. Because when you’re at your best, you experience the world differently and new possibilities open up all around you.”

“Take a look around you… how many fields do you think are required to make up all of what you see: the sky, the clouds, the birds of the air… you would think, thousands?


There may be more… but we have isolated 42 specific fields that make up all of matter.
You ask what was there before the “Big Bang”, I can tell you with all certainty: fields… fields of potentiality.
You then may ask: well, how did they get there?
Everything we know, everything we have discovered to date, all the evidence of every single experiment we have ever conducted, points to one conclusion only: somebody must have put them there.”

~ Ugo Amaldi, Director of CERN.
Particle Accelerators: From Big Bang Physics to Hadron Therapy

Everything is made up from fields of potentiality.

The great Nikolai Tesla, the grandfather of such realisation wrote:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration…”

Studying the non physical fundamental structure of matter is the life work of inventor & “grandchild” protégé of the great Nikolai Tesla: Michael Gerhard Hassler

We describe matter, from the standpoint of our understanding. A knowledgeable scientist can tell you, that Vitamin D is a seco-steroid hormone with 37 chemically characterised metabolites, but in terms of fundamental field structure, this is a mere facet of the diamond. Michael Hassler, and his team at Nature’s Frequencies, at the forefront of technological breakthrough, have been able to identify, extract and emulate the very fields of this particular diamond and transfer this complete signature onto a holographic film, where it can be transferred direct to the human body by biofield resonance… a rather modern approach, to taking vitamins! Yet it is simply, an evolution of science.

“…The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
~ Nikolai Tesla

& more progress has indeed been made! First there was food only, then supplements in pill or liquid form. Then came sublingual and buccal transfer, then liposomial technology… & now, the breakthrough: the direct transfer of signature fields of potentiality to the body, by biofield resonance technology.

“7 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Camu Camu” by nutrition neuroscientist Sharon O’Brien MS PGDip, is an excellent & well researched article about a lesser known super-fruit, that in terms of immune support, has, arguably, no equal… How would it be if you could identify the entire field signature of all that goodness, emulate it exactly & transfer it direct to our body? Not only this AND the aforementioned Vitamin D but also, Vitamin A, B12 and C… plus one or two other immune boosting ingredients… and our Biofield Resonance Immunity Patch is complete. Try it & see!

“Nature’s Frequencies invented this technology, we own it and patented it. Nobody else has this. We have privately supplied this technology to doctors, neuropaths and other select companies for years… but it is time now, to bring it direct to the world and turn this several million dollar company into a multi-trillion dollar one, helping millions of people along the way…”

Fresh, cool, grounded, healthy, energised spring water… like ‘the fourth phase of water’: the hydrogen lattice of structured water (EZ) found in clouds, plants & the cells of our body… perfect water.
We re-create exactly this with our Earthing Card+. It is the science of the miraculous.

The greatest discoveries in science, as always, are wrought and sculpted from experimental rigour…
Tens of thousands of experimental hours have brought us to the present: powerful products, that change people’s lives:

Fill a glass with water & taste: normal water. Fill a second identical glass but this time, let the water flow over the Earthing Card+, into the glass: TASTE THE DIFFERENCE! 💫⚡
That’s perfect water!

Not just water; everything.

Take a lemon, cut it in half. Squeeze the juice from one half & taste: Tart and bitter, as lemon is… particularly if it’s been off the tree for a while.
Take the second half of the lemon & repeat, though this time, wave the card over the juice, even blow over the card onto the juice, or simply pour the juice over the card into a glass…

taste in now!

The tart is GONE and it tastes AMAZING; as if you had just plucked the lemon from the tree. 🍋
The science of the miraculous.

How do you make a perfect cup of tea… even more perfect? Can that be even possible? 🍵
Now it is.

Everyone should have a Natures Frequencies Earthing Card+ in their pocket at all times. It is grounding! You feel more calm, more balanced, some have said, happier! It even improves your golf swing! Try & see!

“The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature to the service of mankind.”
~ Nikolai Tesla

The EMF Shield

Protect yourself from the harmful effects of non-ionizing EMF (Electromagnetic Field) radiation. Newly designed to include 5G protection.

For use on:

Cell phones



Smart Meters

Smart TV’s


Devices sending & receiving electronic data

A little bit of research into the harmful effects of EMF, bring up some interesting and uncomfortable reading…

World Health Organization, radiofrequency radiation and health – a hard nut to crack:

Call for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure was made by the International Electromagnetic Field Scientist Appeal, initial release date May 11, 2015, latest version’s date January 29, 2017 with 222 signatures from 41 nations:

“We are scientists engaged in the study of biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF)… Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life. These findings justify our appeal to the United Nations (UN) and, all member States in the world, to encourage the World Health Organization (WHO) to exert strong leadership in fostering the development of more protective EMF guidelines, encouraging precautionary measures, and educating the public about health risks, particularly risk to children and fetal development. By not taking action, the WHO is failing to fulfil its role as the preeminent international public health agency.”

See YouTube: “natures frequencies emf shield tested on Today tonight news

The NITRO patch

“This, my absolute favourite product, helps the body produce nitric oxide. It helps with blood flow, oxygenation, & aids nutrient transfer within the body: more energy, less fatigue, more endurance & better performance; better cardiovascular health…”

~ Dr Janeen Ridgeway

If you like our story so far, please investigate further and come and be a part of it too! We are looking team leaders all across the globe & you can do this part-time, work-from-home and alongside what you currently do. It is the perfect home business…”
message us to find out more.

We have everything. 🌌💥🌍🧬🌱

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