Is this the hidden power of social media your business is missing?

Effective grasp and utilisation of the power of Social Media Marketing can literally be the difference between profit and loss; it oils the wheels of business by creating a bond with your customers, potential customers and other stakeholders. Its power and potential are underestimated by most and that includes your competitors.

The connectivity power of social media for business cannot be ignored. The better it is understood, the more effective it can be. To most, on the surface, the concept seems simple enough but it has a depth and a power that few fully understand, nor do most have the time to do so.  Effective grasp and utilisation of the power of Social Media Marketing can literally be the difference between profit and loss; it oils the wheels of business by creating a bond with your customers, potential customers and other stakeholders. Its power and potential are underestimated by most and that includes your competitors. If your business shares a finite number of customers with competitors who do not fully appreciate the edge digital marketing can give them, you are in a position to capitalise.  Who wins in business, the nicer one or the smarter one?  Smart wins.  Every time. Then the already intelligent one chooses nice also; the best of both worlds!  Be amazing, be nice & be in profit!  All in that order.

If we do not know how to effectively utilise the power of social media to strengthen our business, we need an education or we pay someone we trust to do it for us.  Ok, here we go: education time… Take a look at the graph and notice the platform with the greatest recent rate of change of growth…

social media graph

If your business is image rich, you might like to consider adding INSTAGRAM to your marketing strategy, if you have not already done so.  Here’s everything you need to know, from beginner to posting like a pro…

Here’s a beginners guide to Instagram.   If you like video tutorials, here is the beginners’ set-up guide.

Here’s a walk-through “how to” Instagram guide.  And, going a little further: ten tips for beginners.


Ok… Let’s move things in a business direction: beginners guide to getting started on Instagram.  Have a look at what Instagram for Business can do for you.  Also, there are some great ideas from Hootsuite here.

Personal Instagram vs. Instagram Business Profile & here.


Here’s ten top tips on increasing engagement with your connections…

  1. Post Consistently

A good rule of thumb is to start off by posting every second day, with a goal to work your way towards posting on a daily, or even more often basis. Major brands share on Instagram on average 1.5 times a day.

  1. Respond Promptly To Follower’s Comments

Particularly; respond to questions that they may have about your brand.

  1. Utilize Links, In Order To Drive Traffic To Your Business’ Website, Blog or Promotions

Instagram allows you to insert one link with each and every post. For example, if you launch a new product, you can post a photograph and insert a direct link to your product’s page on your website. So, you increase traffic to your website and potential customers can purchase your product instantly.

  1. Research Hashtags That Are Associated With Your Business, Industry, Market And Location

Many Instagram users search for photographs by searching popular hashtags. Hashtags popularity changes regularly, so it pays to stay informed of the current hashtag trends in your industry. There is merit too in ‘owning’ hashtags, which then become synonymous with your brand. For example, if you are a hotel or pub in St Andrews, #HomeOfGolf #StAndrews and #Scotland are all fair game.

  1. Interact With a Variety of Accounts on a Weekly Basis

By liking some of your follower’s posts and leaving comments on accounts that fit your target market, you’ll be sure to capture the attention of your potential customers. If you choose the right accounts to target, you’ll expose your business to hundreds or even thousands of new accounts. Be positive, thoughtful, kind and respectful; it’s all about relationship.


  1. Make Sure that You Post High Quality Content

While you may be tempted to post a cute photo, such as a photo of a fluffy puppy, in order to get likes, it’s well worth sticking to posts that are directly related to your niche: Photo the puppy IN your business, or in a business context. If you own a book shop, have said puppy curled up in a comfy chair enjoying a good book, on site. Content is king. Endeavour to create links between your target audience and your products. Be creative and imaginative and not always overtly promotional.

  1. Use Creative, Humorous and Positive Calls-To-Action

Open-ended questions, used creatively, genuinely and gently. As an example, you could post a photo of two up and coming products and ask your followers which product, they prefer. You could even run a competition, where one commenter, will receive the product they choose, as a prize. Watch and see what and how other successful businesses use such skills; learn and emulate.

  1. Be Real.

Whilst it may be tempting to purchase follow bots or auto commenters to make your account look more popular, most of your genuine followers will recognize the same bots posting on your account and will unfollow your account. Instead, aim to attract real followers who will engage with your account in a natural way.

  1. Post The Occasional Video

Use video to respond to frequently posted questions or to showcase a brand new product. Short and sweet is best. Also, you can use Instagram Stories and Instagram Live Video to engage with your fan base. Do your research first. Investigate what works well.

  1. Regularly Assess Your Instagram Analytics

Find out which of your posts have attracted the most likes and comments. Try to find any similarities between your top 10 posts to see whether there are any common links. As an example, you may find that your morning posts attract the most attention or that a particular filter is a hit with your target audience. Streamline your connectivity to produce the best results. If you sign up for an Instagram business account, you will have access to instant data: number of accounts you’ve reached, how many profile views you have attracted and the number of times each of your links has been clicked. You can even compare how your account has fared from a week to week basis.

instagram banner

Further reading:

Tips for Your Instagram Posts, Plus a Perfect Profile Page.

21 Stunning Examples of Businesses Using Instagram:

5 Ways to Maximize Instagram for Your Business in 2018:

Instagram for Business: The Ultimate Instagram Marketing Guide:

4 Social Media Stars Explain How You Can Get More Instagram Followers:

Everything you need to know to create a successful Instagram marketing strategy for your business:

The Definitive Guide to Instagram Analytics: So Much More Than Just a Pretty Picture:


We shall keep updating this list; adding awesome articles as they appear.

Instagram is extreme fun for the creative in you: self-educate and be amazing. If you are too busy running your business and need someone you trust to run this for you, give us a call; we may be able to help.
