Strengthen the fabric of your business with the glue of Social Media

In the busyness of the day-to-day running of our business’ we may be missing out on the opportunities that healthy Social Media Management can provide…

Whether it’s connecting with new clients, strengthening the relationship with current customers or attracting the new, most conventional business people would agree; you can’t beat face to face contact.  Or to use an old Sales Manager expression; ‘belly-to-belly’.  It is arguably the best way to do business.  We cannot underestimate the growing power of social media though and its ability to enable the making of friends across the city, country or globe.  To grow and strengthen our Social Media footprint can take time and indeed, expertise.  If you simply do not have the time, then here at Creative Marketing Solutions, we may be able to help out: look and see.


There is so much information available out there on improving your social media presence but the deeper you go, the more you realise, that SMM is an art…  When people check you out, they will most likely do so by checking your social media; over 80% will do this, and when it comes to customer service, 70% and rising, will do so via social media.

When you grow a quality presence on social media, you make it easier for your customers to find and connect with you. And by connecting with your customers, you are more likely to increase customer retention and brand loyalty.  A recent study showed that over 50% of customers who follow brands on social media are indeed; more loyal to those brands.

There are excellent ways available to target advertise: you can target based on location, demographics, interests, behaviours, and connections. You can track and measure the performance of your social ads in real time.


Done well, social media is a dream; you build relationships and share information quickly and simply and it increases your search engine rankings too!

Make sure you choose the right social channels and formulate a detailed strategy. Posting images and status updates alone, is unlikely to  help your business. The right combination of informative and promotional posts are required to generate the desired results. Generating leads from social media advertising is a learnable art form also, here is our mission.  If that can partner with what you are doing, please do get in touch; we would love to help!