Christ in You – The Movie

We have been blessed beyond measure to be associated with Siloam Productions and promote this life-changing documentary…

It’s been an honour!  There is something incredibly special about this team and this movie.  We would recommend getting a copy of this to EVERYONE!  What if it’s true?  What if… there is a God..? that he formed the earth in his hands… and set it in space… filled it with his children; to love each other and to love him?

We lost our way.  He sent his Son to show the way.  He went about doing good and healing all those polluted by a world of darkness; made a way for us to be re-connected with God and to emulate him is a dying world.  Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever; in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive him still, the good Christ enters in; Christ In You the hope of glory.

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The following is an article written about Christ in You – The Movie and the affect this movement is having around the world…

Thousands of people have been inspired worldwide by the release of a recent documentary called “Christ in You – The Movie” to cultivate a Jesus-like lifestyle…

The goal of the filmmakers, was to help and encourage people to overcome the fears and obstacles that they have, that prevent them from going out into the world; to walk, as Jesus walked, see as Jesus sees and move in the power of the Holy Spirit in signs and wonders.

The world premiere of #ChristInYou was celebrated in Berne Switzerland with roaring applause and a standing ovation.  The enthusiasm of the audience regarding the film was a great relief to the filmmakers and the feedback, including that many had received healing in their own bodies during the film, was unexpected evidence that God was indeed doing something very special through this movie!
After screenings in both Hamburg and Dudingen, impassioned viewers went out onto the streets and applied what they had seen; taking the love and compassion of Jesus to the multitudes…

200 randomly selected movie goers were afterwards asked what difference #ChristInYouMovie had made in their lives: 37% said that because of the film, they had the courage to approach someone in need on the street. 35% of these, not only prayed but also witnessed a cure.  7% were invited to introduce the person to Jesus.

The movie was designed specifically to awaken and enlighten the church but a surprising number of non-Christians have loved the true fragrance and example of Jesus that comes across so attractively in the movie; such that they have sought deeper and as a result, have come into a personal relationship with the living God!

Testimony after testimony has flooded into the ‘Christ In You’ office from all across the globe; people who had been called by God, had humbled themselves, prayed, had been encouraged by the movie to step out and do the things that Jesus has commanded us to do; to love the multitudes, to feed the poor, to cast out demons and to heal the sick.

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During a screening in the USA, a well-known pastor who had a damaged hand was miraculously healed during the movie and his hand completely restored. In Scotland a lady with chronic sciatica was healed along with a gentleman who complained of leg pain. It transpired that he was born with one leg longer than the other; God moved in compassionate power and grew his right leg to the same length as his left! A man called Alco from the Netherlands had never prayed for anyone before, yet, immediately after the film, began praying for the sick. He prayed for someone’s wrist, it was completely healed, then someone with neck strain… to everyone’s shock; they were completely healed!  As one pastor commented: “A hunger has been stirred!”

These types of occurrences were the normal experience for the early church and also for those who believed and acted throughout history. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever and according to the Bible, healing should be a normal part of the Christian life.  There may be dark forces that would not wish it to be so and some, even of the true faith have doubted this to be true… but God longs for a generation that would rise up and simply do what Christ Jesus commanded us to do; it is a simplicity that many have missed but God, who is rich in mercy and most patient with his people, is making ways for us to fully see the light and walk therein.


Jesus Christ has paid the price, for us to have fullness of life and this comes in a way that includes reaching out to the hurting and for them to be healed; it is partnership with heaven.  God is longing for a people who would do such things and this movie, commissioned in heaven, is a key to unlocking the fullness of life we all so eagerly long for.

Christ In You – The Movie is available here: or here: or on Amazon here:

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