The six areas of focus for social media magnificence…

magnificence: (noun) deserving to be admired

Your brand is already magnificent: very good, beautiful and deserving to be admired but your command of social media and its power to serve your cause is possibly not as it could be… let us look closer at the six key areas of focus, to help you harness this important ever-expanding interactive world…

social media1Brand Image

Your brand image, is the impression that others have of you.  It is psychological, it is emotional; it’s how people feel when they see your logo, advert or product…

Social media has the power to influence how people view you and your business.  Its evolution and increasing expansion enables you the possibility of reaching a highly connected and engaged, far wider audience, gain new followers and build brand reputation.  This audience has to be created and the customer and potential customer get to know your brand over time primarily due to the interesting, positive visual and educational content they view, enjoy and interact with.  Every time someone sends a tweet or posts a comment on Facebook about your products or services, the message spreads. Positive recommendations and favourable product reviews have an instant effect on how your customers interact with you.  Keep it real, keep it personal and reply quickly to questions and comments.  All feedback is useful and can be used to improve your brand and its impression with your target audience.  It takes time to build the relationships on social media and a combination of platforms is best.  Social media done effectively and powerfully; creating useful content that viewers will want to share, is pretty much a full time job.  It is also the brand shop window; it has to be taken seriously.  At Creative Marketing Solutions, we work with start-ups, established businesses, ministries and charities; they can focus on the day-to-day mission, we look after the brand.



In a sea of information and noise, it is difficult to get noticed.  A positive understanding of social media strategy can provide a rock above the waves and a voice of competitive edge.  The latest search engine statistics are absolutely fascinating; 80% of people looking for you or coming across you online, will have done so via a Google search.  That’s useful information!  If you are a non-profit, there are ways to maximise this; tens of thousands of dollars worth of targeted advertising: for free are available to you (ask us how!).

Not all social media platforms are created equal; some are designed and capable of increasing the rankings of your entire online presence; enabling more people to see you more often.  The beauty of social media generally is it’s wonderful ‘free advertising’ aspect… when someone sees your post, likes or shares, that super positive action highlights your brand, making it more visible to others; which increases Google ranking also!  Natural organic growth of visibility is the healthiest form of Search Engine Optimisation. Here’s 50 ways to maximise your organic visibility.


This is where content is key.  To maximise value, you must keep your content relevant to your brand and, most importantly, relevant to your audience. If you can create an interactive movement of friends and followers, partners in your mission even, rather than just customers, then you have been relevant.  People want more than just a product or service, your content must go over and above this; to provide real, long-term value.  The key indicator here is love.  Love is the most powerful force in the universe, it flows effortlessly over social media channels; love your people and you have created a beautiful thing!  Here is 30 ways you can improve your social media marketing. Number 5 talks of analysing your results; its a great way to see what your audience finds relevant.  Create more content like this.  Relevance is also providing quality content that may be within your sphere of influence, yet not directly promoting your product. For example, a tweet by Siloam Productions who produced the Christ In You Movie, that simply quoted a bible verse, was most relevant to their followers and is their top performing tweet.


Customer connectivity

This is the emotional bond created and developed between brand and audience.  Above all, it is genuine: a real bond, a real relationship.  When the audience; customer, partner or supporter enjoys connectedness to the brand; often feeling a part of the family, when the relationship has been positive and nurtured, then life-long loyalty results.  Having great customers and keeping them for life is one of the true joys of business.  Great relationships can become true friendships and everyone benefits.  Trust is built over time and ‘being there’ when the customer calls, day or night, evenings and weekends, is part of the model of magnificence.  At Creative Marketing Solutions, this philosophy is the most key of the six competences and all that we do is focused around this concept of positive relationship between the brand and its friends.

6. meeting 3


If someone is going to say something that is not positive, it’s going to be fast and it’s going to be on social media.  We are there to monitor and deal with all feedback, positive and negative in real time.  You need to know what your customers are saying and sharing so you can address potential issues before they grow into bigger ones. You might also have the opportunity to turn a negative experience into a positive one.  If a social post about a potential problem with your business arises,  that person can be sent a message offering to continue the discussion offline to help rectify it. Reputation management is important! So it’s essential to be proactive and grow a positive, professional, extra-mile travelling reputation of magnificence!


Return on Investment

A rising tide lifts all boats…

A focus on the previous five competences will naturally and organically improve RoI for long-term peace of mind.  Positive, pro-active Social Media Management future-proofs your organisation from the external challenges of day to day, month to month and year by year obstacles and external factors.  Return on Investment should be monitored, evaluated and activity improved to ensure efficiency and value for money.

You work hard, your business may indeed be ‘your baby’; you go the extra mile… you are on a mission.  We would come right alongside, with our experience and expertise; we are no ordinary partner.  we are here to help, support, grow you and your mission and to do all within our power to help you reach your goals. We are Creative Marketing Solutions; here’s a little of what we do and this is who we are… we are at your service.

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