Social Media Marketing in the Hotel Industry

Harnessing the power of social media is on the menu for long-term stable profitability…

As Social Media platforms continue to grow, they are proving to be valuable marketing channels, especially when targeting younger consumers.
Hoteliers need to embrace the new ways people are communicating and be ready for the changes in consumer behavior. By being up to date with social media marketing trends and developing a dynamic online presence, hotel companies can quickly achieve an advantage when attracting business from tech-savvy millennials.
Digital media is ever moving towards greater consumer empowerment and content creation given the ease with which digital media (particularly photos and videos) can be transmitted through mobile platforms and the internet. As part of sharing content and experiences, users are also spreading digital ‘word-of-mouth’ about a brand, a product, or an experience, to their personal networks, which can reach a substantial audience…

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Social media and the personal interconnectivity that it creates, can also strongly enhance business relationships, in a way that emails or newsletters never could.
The harnessed power of social media is an essential ingredient in long-term stable profitability. For it to be done well, and for it to add value, and not intefere in the day to day running of a busy hotel, the six point focus of Creative Marketing Solutions may be worthy of consideration: We are committed to our client’s success by providing a unique, personal programme of Social Media and Relationship Marketing that enhances: Brand Image, Visibility, Relevancy, Customer Connectivity, Reputation and most importantly; the long-term, secure: Return on Investment. Best of all; you can enjoy more, what you do best.

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