Sharing the story: The power of connectedness

Connectedness: (n) the state of being joined or linked; a feeling of belonging to or having affinity with a particular person or group…

Some say that the world has grown cold, and as time goes on, with ever increasing struggle, wars and rumours of wars, indeed the love of many will grow cold.  But there is cause for much rejoicing also, there is much love, fun, friendship, community, fellowship, passion and positive activism…

dancing girl - quote med

There is much to look forward to and there are great stories, every day: NGO’s, NPO’s, charities, ministries, volunteer groups… every day; great stories… and with the power of social media, these can be effectively shared from the story source, at the speed of light; to workers, volunteers, donors and supporters great and small.

We love to give.  And those who give of their time for a worthwhile cause know the special joy and happiness that volunteering brings.  To give of ones time, in a shop, for example; how much greater is the joy, when resting later, to read a wonderful story, perhaps from the other side of the world.  For those of us in the business of sharing the story; the responsibility is great.  We must reach to the depths of our being and use words with great skill and great heart; to effectively convey, the pain and the joy, the laughter and tears and the power of lives changed.  We are emotional beings.  We love our emotions, or we should!  We should enjoy them all; even the bad ones (you might never get unpleasant emotion again, so it’s best to enjoy it while you have it!).  Those of us who write, have a responsibility to grasp the nettle of emotion and convey the truth in all its earthy humanity and richness.  We are all connected.  There is power in connectedness.  Such beautiful tools we have too, to share the information; to share the stories of the overcomers. Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Instagram, YouTube; to inform, to educate, to share. Fundraising, recruitment, recognition…

It is a short journey from the heart to the purse.  When we are inspired to action, someone just did a good job on our emotions.  God bless the storytellers.

mission post


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